Jump Training Workouts2018-09-24T20:50:01+00:00

Jump Training Workouts

§ Week 6:  Add these exercises into the workout after you finish your first hydro week (week 5).  

ɸ Week 11:  Add these exercises into the workout after you finish your second hydro week (week 10).

Look for new exercises and let us know your favorites.

Key Concepts

Static Contraction:

1 rep held 1-3 inches off the bar for 6 to 11 seconds.  If you hold less than 6 seconds, drop some weight.  If you hold 11 seconds, add more weight.


  1. When you detect one of your reps tapers, or is less explosive, then that is your last rep of the set.
  2. If you are doing sets to taper, then remember how many reps you did the first set. In a later set, when the number of explosive reps drops to about half the number of explosive reps you did in the first set, then that is the last set (if doing a single leg exercise, then that is the last set for both legs).

Rules for Success

  1. Train healthy.  If you are injured, then you will not see positive results.
  2. Participate in each workout.  Never miss a workout.
  3. Use proper technique.
  4. Give your absolute best effort each repetition.

The results will tell your story.  Whenever I have seen someone not achieving positive results, it has been due to their not following the 4 rules listed above.

Click any exercise below to see details